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Unkillable Diesels: DT466


Whether you know it or not, you’ve spent time around the DT466 or one of its variants. International produced more than 2 million of these iconic inline-six diesels between 1971 and 2016 and they can be found in everything from box trucks to school buses to farm tractors to construction equipment. The all-iron DT466’s wet sleeve technology revolutionized the medium duty engine market when it debuted and its overbuilt design means it’s exceptionally hard to kill. If you’ve ever been to a tractor pull and seen all of those 50-year-old IH machines running at the front of the pack, you’ve seen the DT466 platform in action.

Throughout its 45-year production run, the DT466 underwent plenty of changes, from mechanical injection to HEUI injection, non-intercooled to intercooled and emissions-free to emissions-friendly. However, the legendary I-6 always employed direct-injection, turbocharging and the aforementioned wet sleeve design that made it the engine of choice in the medium-duty truck segment. We’ll touch on a little bit of each rendition of the DT466 below, with most of our still photography being of the DT466E and MaxxForce DT variety, obtained during our time spent at the Melrose Park, Illinois engine plant.

Deep-Skirt, Cast-Iron Block

International DT466 Diesel Engine Block

Many aspects of the DT466 engine’s design remained the same throughout its near-half-century production run, and that includes its deep-skirt block. Cast from gray iron, the crankcase weighs 400 pounds by itself and the bulkhead sections and main bearing surfaces are massive. What did change was the bore and stroke. Early versions of the DT466 featured a 4.30-inch bore and a 5.35-inch stroke, while later generations utilized a 4.59-inch x 4.68-inch bore and stroke. The original DT466 was the largest in International’s 400 series line, with 414 ci and 436 ci versions sharing the same block and cylinder bore size, their shorter stroke (4.75-inch and 5.00-inch, respectively) leading to their slightly smaller displacement(s). The 414 and 436 engines debuted in the old IH 966, 1066 and 1466 tractors.

Common Bore Sizes & Plenty of Head Fasteners

DT466 Cast Iron Block Bores

Whether it was the 414 ci, 436 ci or 466 ci that stemmed from the original 400 series family or the DT466, DT530, MaxxForce DT, MaxxForce 9 or MaxxForce 10 that followed them in later years, a common bore size was always shared during each era these engines were produced. Different strokes determined each individual model’s displacement. In this deck surface view of a MaxxForce DT block, you can see that the cylinders have been counter-bored to accept ductile-iron wet sleeves (more on that below). Also notice the head bolt bores. The entire DT466 line of engines always made use of six head bolts per cylinder. On older versions of the DT466—and as reported by Hypermax Engineering, a highly respected aftermarket company in the tractor pulling world—1,200 hp can be achieved before head gasket issues surface.

Forged-Steel, Induction-Hardened Crankshaft

Diesel DT466 Crankshaft

A sizeable, 150-plus pound crankshaft was made from forged-steel and its journals and fillets were treated to induction hardening for improved fatigue and wear resistance. In order for the crankshaft to spin as true as possible, International treated the main bearing surfaces to line-boring. The crankshaft is also supported by seven main bearings, which only grew in size as the DT466 platform was gradually upgraded and improved (i.e. fine-tuned) over the years.

Factory Main Cap Girdle

Crankcase Girdle Navistar MaxxForce DT

Seven, two-bolt, ductile-iron main caps secure the beefy, million-mile-ready crankshaft in place within the block. While we can’t speak for the 400 series engines, the MaxxForce DT versions made use of a main cap girdle, as is shown above. The girdle ties each main cap together to better distribute stress. Also notice that the girdle ties in with the oil pan rail.

Wet Sleeve Cylinder Liners

Wet Sleeve Cylinder Liner DT466

Use of wet sleeve cylinder liners was what set the DT466 apart from other medium-duty engines at the time. The ductile-iron liners, which feature high chrome content, gave this engine the kind of heavy-duty durability and serviceability that was normally reserved for Class 8 engines or larger. The external side of the sleeve is exposed to engine coolant, which offers consistent heat transfer to ensure the cylinder remains perfectly round. For utmost durability, the sleeves are both induction-hardened and plateau-honed. With each bore fitted with its own sleeve, cylinder repair and even complete in-frame rebuilds could be conducted quickly—and even in the field if need-be.

250-Pound Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head International DT466E

Weighing in at 250 pounds, there is nothing light-duty about the DT466 cylinder head. Like the block, it’s made from cast-iron, with International casting its 2-valve heads at its Indianapolis foundry and TUPY casting all 4-valve heads in Brazil. Either version of the cylinder head featured robust, ductile-iron rocker arms, hardened valve seats and fastened to the block via the aforementioned six-bolt per cylinder arrangement.

Forged-Steel Rods

Forged Steel DT466 Connecting Rod

Falling right in line with the DT466 power plant’s common theme of being overbuilt, the connecting rods are darn near bombproof. Made from forged-steel, they feature a fractured cap design and are far from the first weak-link you’ll find in these engines (that would the OEM head bolts leading to head gasket issues… but not until the previously mentioned 1,200hp level). Up until roughly 20 years ago, the DT466’s factory rods were still being used in multi-turbo tractor engines making well north of 1,500 hp. As for the MaxxForce DT this rod belonged to, it could be joined with one of three different piston options. International offered cast-aluminum pistons for low torque applications, a two-piece forged-steel top, aluminum skirted piston for high torque engines and a one-piece, forged-steel piston for high torque mills.

Hefty Hunks Of Iron

Inline Six DT466E Diesel Engine

Old-school versions of the DT466 tipped the scales at 1,425 pounds (fully dressed yet dry), while later versions of the MaxxForce DT variety—which were equipped with emissions control devices and sometimes even two turbochargers—could weigh as much as 1,900 pounds. In the image above, you’re looking at a DT530E, which shared the same 4.59-inch bore as the DT466E but utilized a longer, 5.35-inch stroke. It also features HEUI injection, which means the fuel injectors are actuated by high-pressure engine oil.


Dyno Test Navistar International Assembly Plant

During the MaxxForce DT era, every single engine Navistar International produced was hot-tested on the dyno before leaving. The 9-minute test-session included an idle period, a full-throttle run to validate the engine’s power rating and then a brief cool-down interval.

Endless Aftermarket Potential

Super Stock DT466 Pulling Tractor

In the world of high performance tractor pulling, mega-horsepower versions of the DT466 are the norm. They’re especially common in the prestigious Super Stock class, where engines are saddled with as many as four turbochargers and hold up to 300-psi of boost while belting out more than 4,000 hp. Massive P-pumps, water injection and 75-mph worth of wheel speed is also par for the course in this wheels-up smoker tractor class.

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